Montag , März 10 2025

Call for Mustafa Prize

Call for Mustafa Prize Nomination The second round of the Mustafa prize will be held in December 2017, announcing the Mustafa Prize laureates from the Islamic World.

Nominating Rules
Mustafa Prize is awarded in the following categories:
1. Information and Communication Science and Technology
2. Life and Medical Science and Technology
3. Nanoscience and Nanotechnology
For the above categories, the nominees should be citizens of one of the 57 Islamic
countries with no restrictions on religion, gender and/or age.
4. All areas of science and technology
For this category, only Muslims may be nominated with no restrictions on citizenship,
gender and/or age. These areas include the following UNESCO fields of education:
Natural sciences, mathematics and statistics; Information and Communication
Technologies; Engineering, Manufacturing and Construction; Agriculture, Forestry,
Fisheries and Veterinary; Health and Welfare as well as Cognitive Science and Islamic
Economics and Banking.
The nominees can only be nominated by one of the following scientific institutions and
renowned scientists.
– Accredited scientific centers and universities
– Science and technology associations and centers of excellence
– Academies of science of Islamic countries
– Science and technology parks.

The Prize
– The Mustafa Medal
– A certificate
– 500,000 USD

Calendar of Prize
– Nomination deadline: 31st December, 2016
– Prize ceremony: December, 2017

The Mustafa Prize Secretariat Contact details
(Working hours: Saturday to Wednesday from 10-17 LT)
Telephone: +9821-22276606, +9821-22259210
Fax number: +9821- 22272934
Mobile number: +98902-5065006

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