Freitag , Januar 31 2025
Kirche Zum Guten Hirten

Berlin Church to Host Program on Imam Hussein (AS) Martyrdom

According to Seyed Ali Mojani, Iranian cultural attaché in berlin, it will be held on Wednesday evening with the aim of introducing the rituals of Shia Muslims in Muharram, the month of mourning for the martyrdom of Imam Hussein (AS) and his faithful companions in the 680 A.D. Battle of Karbala.

He said it has been planned at the request of the church and its audience will be mostly Christians.

Mojani will deliver a speech about the Ashura uprising and its influence on Iran’s identity, culture and arts and a church leader will discuss the influence of Imam Hussein (AS) uprising on the Christian world.

During the program, Aref Raf’at, an Iranian residing in Germany will play Ney (a musical instrument similar to flute, and recite elegies about martyrdom of Imam Hussein (AS).

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