Donnerstag , September 19 2024


30 ausländische Archäologen in Iran

30 ausländische Archäologen aus 13 Ländern werden in dem vierzehnten Kongress der Archäologie in Iran teilnehmen. Archäologen aus Italien, Frankreich, Spanien, Japan, Amerika, Australien, Dänemark, Österreich, den Niederlanden, Polen, Deutschland, Großbritannien und der Türkei wird an der Konferenz teilnehmen.

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Iran und die Schweiz weiten universitäre Zusammenarbeit aus

Die Technische Universität von Isfahan (Zentraliran) will ihre Zusammenarbeit mit schweizer Universitäten ausbauen. Der Präsident der Technischen Universität Isfahan, Mahmoud Modarres-Hashemi, hat bei einer Zusammenkunft mit Professor Lino Guzzella, dem Präsidenten der ETH Zürich, in Isfahan gesagt, dass Auslandsstudien für Mitglieder des wissenschaftlichen Beirates oder Doktorranden und gemeinsame wissenschaftliche Projekte …

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13,000+ People Have Bought Our Theme

Don’t act so surprised, Your Highness. You weren’t on any mercy mission this time. Several transmissions were beamed to this ship by Rebel spies. I want to know what happened to the plans they sent you. In my experience, there is no such thing as luck. Partially, but it also …

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Which Company Would You Choose?

Don’t act so surprised, Your Highness. You weren’t on any mercy mission this time. Several transmissions were beamed to this ship by Rebel spies. I want to know what happened to the plans they sent you. In my experience, there is no such thing as luck. Partially, but it also …

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Nexus 6 review

Don’t act so surprised, Your Highness. You weren’t on any mercy mission this time. Several transmissions were beamed to this ship by Rebel spies. I want to know what happened to the plans they sent you. In my experience, there is no such thing as luck. Partially, but it also …

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Apple iPad review

Don’t act so surprised, Your Highness. You weren’t on any mercy mission this time. Several transmissions were beamed to this ship by Rebel spies. I want to know what happened to the plans they sent you. In my experience, there is no such thing as luck. Partially, but it also …

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BlackBerry Classic review

Don’t act so surprised, Your Highness. You weren’t on any mercy mission this time. Several transmissions were beamed to this ship by Rebel spies. I want to know what happened to the plans they sent you. In my experience, there is no such thing as luck. Partially, but it also …

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