Mittwoch , März 12 2025

The 8th Biennial International Children’s and Young Adults’ Art Competition Tehran – 2016

Water is an irreplaceable blessing and a resplendency of beauty and refreshment. Its deficiency will dramatically lead to the silence of roaring rivers and sweet songs of birds and the extinct of playful fish, blossoms on trees, and colorful flowers’ smiles in nature.

Today, one of the most serious challenges facing the world is water. A number of factors, such as climate change, population growth, unsystematic exploitation of water resources, have drastically diminished water sources.  Accordingly, Kanoon is going to hold a painting competition for children and young adults on the theme of “water” to make them aware of water issues, such as the ways to save water and the outcomes of water crisis in the world.

The Themes of the Competition:

1. Water

• All creatures in the world have the right to use water.

• We all have the responsibility to preserve water supplies.

• I am responsible to save water.

• We have to remind each other to use water correctly.

• We have to preserve water supplies and keep them clean while sightseeing and cruising in the nature.

2. Free
Eligibility Conditions:

The competition is open to children at age of: 4-16 years old

• In four age groups: 4-6, 7-9, 10-12, and 13-16.

Technique: Free (Gouache, Pastels, Watercolor, Color pencils, Collage (Not highlighted collage), Print, etc.)

The Size of the Work: Minimum 21×30 and Maximum 50×70 cm.

• Every participant can submit only one painting.

• Nothing should be written or signed on the painting.

• The paintings should be submitted without frames and passepartouts.

• Only original copies are acceptable.

• The application form of the painting should be filled in legibly.

• The international participants should complete the painting application forms in English legibly. (Preferably type the forms)

• The paintings which do not have complete, legible application forms will be eliminated from the competition.

The Deadline to Submit Your Work: The deadline to submit your paintings is: 6.10.2016 

The secretariat of the competition has all rights to publish, print, and preserve the works, and they will NOT be returned.

The Address to Mail Your Work:

International  Affairs  of  KANOON

Institute for the Intellectual Development of Children & Young Adults

Hejab St. Fatemi Ave.

POBOX 14145/136

Tehran 14156



The Application Form of the entry submitted to The 8th Biennial International Children’s and Young Adults’ Art Competition:

The Application Form

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